Sunday, December 9, 2012

O Christmas Tree....

We found our tree on the first Saturday of December.  I am happy to say that it is so healthy, and because of last year's forgetting to water it so we couldn't even turn on the lights episode, my boys have been super diligent tree waterers.  I don't even have to remind them. :)

Our binnies are true full-time walkers now.  This is when they were planning the directions they would each walk so mommy would have fun chasing them. 

And they're off!

Notice the lack of lights on the upper half of our tree?  We will be hitting up the after Christmas sale for lights since over half of them didn't work this year.  But at least our tree is healthy....can't win them all.  :)


Barb said...

Oh Elaine, I can so relate to the "thinnly" lighted Xmas tree because alot of lights didn't work. . . .what is with that?!