Sunday, March 8, 2009

Life Lessons

Tonight my six year old, Jesse, was able to attend the Chris Tomlin concert. BJ was taking a group from church and there was one no-show. They were leaving town at four, so Beege called to tell me to get Jesse ready and he'd swing by to pick him up. The decision of which boy would love it the most was an easy one....only being able to send one boy was tough. Jesse can be found singing to my Chris Tomlin cd every chance he gets! Jared loves it too, but not with the passion that Jesse does. When Jesse was whisked away in the church airporter, Jared cried. My heart hurt for him at the unfairness of the situation. I know many parents would think this is cruel, or if all can't go, no one goes. But that is not life. Things are unfair and sometimes other people get what you wanted. This is a life lesson I have always struggled with. Thank God for his grace and willingness to work with this almost 32 year old firstborn. I sat down with Jared and explained to him that even though he wanted to go to that concert too, he needed to be happy for Jesse. God wanted him to be happy for his brother. Jared agreed...and we had a wonderful evening together (with a little chaos- Justin bit his tongue hard falling out of a chair and Justin opened a bottle of nail polish for J.R.)! I was so proud of Jared for choosing right even when it is hard. Now, if only I could do that every time...

"Rejoice with them who do rejoice, and weep with them who weep." Romans 12:15


Christi said...

That's good stuff, Elaine. Way to use those opportunities now to teach because you know it's inevitable that he'll have even bigger disappointments in his lifetime.

I bet Jesse loved the concert, but it was neat how this post was really about Jared.

Jessica said...

I'm so proud of you, Jared! After hearing stories like this one and seeing how much you've matured it shouldn't be hard for me to believe you're almost eight. I can hardly believe it, though! Love you! Jessica

ps...good job picking up the pieces, Elaine.

Lindsay said...

So true. I think it's wonderful you are teaching your children that life isn't fair. So many kids these days (now I sound old, ha:) have a sense of entitlement, in my opinion. It's a hard lesson to learn, but a life changing one.

You are such a great mommy, and have wonderful boys!!

Garth Hamilton said...

Happy birthday, Elaine! Chris Tomlin is an amazing worship leader, but there's just no substitute for Jared's worshipful QT with Momma.