Thursday, December 3, 2009

Walla Walla, Washington

Three weekends ago we headed to Walla Walla, Washington. Kind of crazy with a 2 1/2 week old...but we had a great time. The Blue Mountain COG needed a preacher for that Sunday and Isaac suggested us. :) I really wanted to go because my sister's baby was due that Saturday (she was delivered early with her other two.) Unfortunately, Paisley Mae didn't arrive until two days after we left. I kept looking at Amy thinking how nice it was to not be pregnant anymore!

My boys had a great time playing with GIRL toys! Everything in Esther and Gracie's room is pink. Uncle Isaac took a few good "blackmail" pictures of my be used at a later date.

Queen Esther on her throne.

Another highlight of the trip was seeing my mom and Ray. My mom's counts were up so she was able to make the trip and meet Judson for the first time.

A visit to 44 Francis Drive, one of BJ's childhood homes. He thought the backyard seemed bigger as a kid. :)

After looking at our pictures I realized that we packed quite a bit into our one full day there. Here we are at the Whitman Mission. I found it so interesting. The boys loved seeing the tomahawks and Indians and were even fascinated by the story of Mr. and Mrs. Whitman.

Our dream...until I start thinking about how hard life really was back then.

Uncle Isaac is so stinkin' RAD! He built a half pipe in his youth room. It makes an awesome slide for kids.

The Cousins minus one. :)

Meltdown time.

This trip took a lot of energy but I am so glad for the time with family.