Monday, February 23, 2009

This is getting embarrasing....

Tonight while we were shopping as a family at Costco, my six year old, Jesse, said very loudly to Jared "Jared, you should eat pickles like me....they only have 30 calories and 0 fat!" Talk about a dead giveaway that someone in the family is counting calories. (Unfortunately with little success!) BJ smiled and said " Oh don't worry honey, I am sure everyone thinks it is me." :)


Amy said...

I know it's a personal choice but I don't think you need to count calories! I've always thought you do such an amazing job at staying thin....even with four kids! You're my hero!!

Carlson Family said...

Elaine, You look wonderful! especially after 4 kids. But I have to admit it was pretty cute! =^)

Amy said...

Elaine that is hilarious!! At least you have an entire support system to keep you on track =)

Lindsay said...

That is so funny!!