Saturday, January 5, 2013

no fun

This is the reminder notice my sweet hubby printed stating our challenge of no sweets for the month of January.  Can we do this?  We will see. We didn't outlaw sugar, just yummy desserts, candies, icecream, and soda.  Our exceptions include hot cocoa (mostly for mommy's sanity) and any desserts eaten as guests in someone's home or event.  So, anyone want to have the nine of us over for dinner? :)
By the way, I sort of cheated tonight with our "muffins."  A long time ago my mother-in-law gave me this amazing recipe that she served us as muffins with dinner.  They are called peanut butter and applesauce cupcakes, but since we have always eaten them as muffins with our dinner, I am sticking to it.  BJ smiled and called me a cheater when I got out the chocolate chip bag.  Did I mention they have chocolate chips in them?  :)