Wednesday, December 28, 2011

First time on skates!

A couple of weeks ago we were invited to roller skate with the boys' alert cadet group and their families.  What a blast! This was the first time our boys had skated and I was impressed with how well they caught on.  What was especially fun was getting to skate too. :)  It had been years since I had done this...and since I wasn't pregnant, I couldn't wait to get out there.
Jud didn't get to skate...although I am sure he would have been a go-getter! He did escape a couple of times and run out into the rink before we could catch him. :)

BJ multi-tasking again.
Half-way through our evening Justin decided he was good enough to give Johnny lessons. It was pretty cute to see them both out there wobbling together. :)
Can you guess what the boys want to buy with their Christmas money? Daddy was looking up rollerblades on Craigslist tonight.