Wednesday, April 1, 2009


We finally have a system that works for our boys' chores! Two years ago, I ordered the Maxwell's book, Managers of their Chores. (You can check out their site here.) I read it and wanted to implement their ideas, but never got around to it. My goal was to get it going with the new year. I didn't make it by January 1st, but I think we started the beginning of February. :) Boy, why didn't I do this earlier? BJ and I have found that for our family, following a morning routine and accomplishing certain jobs really make a difference in school and the aroma of our day. Unfortunately, we had trouble constantly keeping on the boys about what they needed to do, or some mornings, BJ and I weren't not as disciplined as we needed to be. Every morning now, the boys wake up, clip on their chore packs and get to work. There have been a few mornings that I am still lying in bed and I'll hear Jesse unloading the dishwasher! (This morning he woke up at 5am to get an early start. Then fell asleep on the couch until 8am!) Having the chores listed out really gives Jared and Jesse the incentive to get them done...and the sooner the better! We do have to help Justin go through his cards and see to it that he does his jobs. Hopefully he will improve. :)

I believe in teaching my children to work...and be hard, good workers. Work is a reality of life. Someday they will have their own families to support and homes to maintain. Learning these qualities now will hopefully help them later in life. I am very thankful for the hard working husband I have....always willing (sometimes not excited about it) to do the jobs that need to be done.


Jessica said...

I love it! Elaine, good for you in implementing the new system. Is Jesse always your early riser?

Christi said...

What a cool idea!!

Carlson Family said...

I love this idea!!! age wise how early would you start?

Anonymous said...

Hey Elaine,

You inspire me to become more organized...I just need you to come over to my house and implement for me. Keep up the good job!

Your friend,

Fletcher Family said...

What an awesome idea!

Lindsay said...

This looks like a great idea. I have yet to come up with a system that really works. I'll have to check this out!