Justin came up with this on his own during rest time. He said he copied Grandma Sally's. At first I didn't know what he was talking about and then realized he meant Lynchwood's live nativity. Lately I have been blown away by Justin's creativity and abilities. He is our true middle child (for now). I guess I still think of him as my little baby, but he is growing up too. It is as if you expect the older two children to grow and mature but the younger ones are supposed to stay little and the same....forever. :)
Very cute! I absolutely love listening to and peeking in on kids integrating real life into their play. When Zoralee pretend reads to herself, there are little blippits from 5 or 6 stories. Who knows what the story looks like in her head?
Say, maybe you could post a little something at the side of your blog saying each child's name and age. It would really help me to keep them straight, someone who's never met them! You're running out of J names. What are you gonna do?? :)
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