Saturday, September 17, 2011

Two Months

July 6th, our twin binnies were 2 months old. Johnny was the source of this nickname. So random, but it is amazing what names stick around (like Judson being called pickles). These little guys have been such a joy so far. They are smiling more and more with occasional cooing. It just melts my heart.

I was pretty nervous about having twins, especially after hearing/reading how hard it is from mommies of multiples. And most of the stories I read were from families with only the twins or with one older sibling. I thought I would really be in for it. Although adding new life to our crew has had its challenges, God has been so gracious. We are making it...and maybe as well as when adding only a singleton. I just do everything twice. :)


Jessica said...

I can't believe how fast your littlest are changing. I love the pictures, Elaine! They're too sweet.

Carlson Family said...

They have changed a lot in pictures! I can't wait to actually meet them! They are just adorable!

Mars said...

Sheesh, those are some CUTE babies, Elaine. Seriously, they are gorgeous!